Friday, November 5, 2010

Marathon #4: Chicago or SF?

I met up with GP and AM yesterday, and it was nice since I haven't seen either of them in months. GP actually ran the Nike Women's Marathon a couple weeks ago, so now she is one up on me. She said she ran it without training, something I'd never be able to do. I find that kinda insane, but GP is one tough woman.

We got to talking about running, and AM will be starting the C25K soon, so it's exciting. She's thinking of enlisting in a half marathon come next year, and GP thought we should all decide to run in San Francisco since they love it. I'm entertaining the idea, but if I have to limit my marathons to 1, (possibly 2 a year if I continue doing NYC), I may consider Chicago over SF only because it's a lot closer, and a lot cheaper. I am in no financial condition to be flying all over the place to run since business has slowed down tremendously. But we'll see.

I may just return for MCM also. It's a beautiful course and I would like to run it again under better circumstances. Down in DC, Chris mentioned that he would've signed up for the 10k had he known there was one, so that may play into what happens next year. It'll be interesting to see how running two marathons so close to each other will affect my time and body.

I'm pretty much fully recovered from Sunday, but I may take a short break from running since it's getting colder here. People love to run in this weather but it's just a tad on the cold side for me. I'll have to look into better running gear which, of course costs money, and I'm hesitant at the moment. Currently, nothing fits right anymore, and all my long running pants fall off.

I also plan to resume the P90x plan, classics this time. After this weekend since I plan to head out and participate in the NYC marathon as a spectator! Thinking of a good sign to make!


Susan said...

I would say SF because Chicago was soooooo stinkin' hot. Really - I would NOT go back. But on the up side, the course support was amazing!

nylisa said...

Wow, really? So you'd take rolling hills over higher temps? Interesting!