Saturday, September 27, 2008

So this is my last weekend of silly indulgences before I focus in and begin serious training. (Moon cake, anyone?) A little bit of a late start, but life sometimes get in the way. It's been a bit rough to concentrate since right now I'm sort of living in a messy bubble I call my apartment. I don't want to think about how much work I will have gotten done over the next few months. Holiday season is approaching and I'm starting to feel the brunt of some last minute orders for brides, and several clients have asked for help. From here on out it will be a flurry of activity, not only for my little side business, but for... my other little side businesses. One day I will quit the full time and concentrate fully on what I'm doing now. But for now it's insanity to try to keep a healthy balance. Of course, the thing that suffers the most is the orderliness of this place I lay my head. That and training. But soon, the dishes will be done, and the recyclables taken out. Soon it will be cold and miserable, and I will be on the road counting down the days and racking up the mileage like most of you. Speaking of running, it's amazing to see how toe nails grow back in. I got some fresh gear so I'm ready for the training. I have Disney marked on my map and look forward to X-ing out each workout on my schedule. I look forward to breaking the 6 hour mark and setting a new PB. Damn right, that record is going to fall!


ShirleyPerly said...

Cool new gear sounds like a good reason to go running. I like the motivation I hear in your post!

Susan said...

Go Lisa go! Stomp that record!

CewTwo said...

Your advantage is that you know what to expect.

Training is one thing, and mileage is necessary but also monotonous. I can honestly say that I know what all of that is like now! It is kind of cool to be able to say that I can and have run 22 miles at one shot!

I think that is why I chose an event like Chicago. I'll be running iwth about 44,999 other runners and can blend into the crowd!

But I don't have the experience of the actual event yet. In 12 days, I should!

Can you tell I am on the taper? Can you tell I am nervous?

I know I can finish Chicago, though!